Kockums Jernverk production and sustainability
The enamelled products from Kockums Jernverk are produced in factories in Serbia and Holland which have a documented high quality. All our production takes place in Europe and also in Sweden, when it is possible. We strive to be as locally produced as possible without compromising with our demand to keep a high quality with good conditions for both workers and environment. The factories we engage are certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
Enamel is an extra hardened glass, a borosilicate based surface. During the making of enamel only raw material, that are abundant in the nature, are used. This reduces the impact of our nature’s resources. Silica, feldspar, borax, sodium, calcium and metal oxides are the mainly used raw materials.
Enamelled cookware is the most eco friendly alternative seen from both a sustainable and environmental aspect. Glass lined products can be hard processed which gives a 100% longer usage compared to other similar materials. Enamelled products can easily be recycled, and it is simple to bring back the used material into the substance cycle.
When it comes to quality, operating efficiency and ecology, enamel is a high-quality surface protection. Enamel does not contain any harmful materials and there is no need of organic dissolvent during the process. The water which is used as dispersant are not unhealthy for the workers and has no impact on the environment. It is recycled in modern sewage systems and then reused in the production process.
All our products are 100% recyclable. Metal can be recycled repeatedly. Enamel is non-flammable and no air pollution occur during the recycling process. Since the enamel is free from chlorine the formation of dioxides is also excluded. Waste from the production is being recycled. The enamel used on all our products are free from lead, cadmium and nickel which makes them especially suitable for cooking.
Enamelled steel
Kockums Jernverk’s enamelled steel is produced in Serbia, in a high quality enamel factory which has more than 60 years of experience. All production take place in the same factory, from steel to enamelling, packaging and loading of the transports.
The steel is moulded, and handles welded on. The product is heated to 700°–900°C and the enamel is applied by dipping the product manually in the enamel in several rounds.

Enamelled cast iron
The production of our enamelled cast iron products takes place in Holland in an over 100 years old foundry. They are focused on highest quality to customer with extraordinary demands. The iron is 100% recycled from for example railway tracks and bridges. The foundry also reuses waste from the casting process. All material is strict analysed to fulfil the high quality standards.
The casting is made in 1425°C and the process is regularly analysed to give the final product an optimized structure. After casting the items is blasted to remove waste and achieve the optimal finish of the surface. The enamel is sprayed in three layers and the burning process is made in a temperature adapted to the specific structure of the iron and what colour that is applied. In this way the thickness of the enamel can be minimized and keep a high technical quality and finish.
Transport and packaging
We only cooperate with factories that offers a total production solution to reduce transports during the process. The transports from the factories to our warehouse in Anderstorp are always with filled trucks. All our forwarders have a documented environmental policy. The packaging material are recyclable and we reuse the transport boxes to customer deliveries.